
The Plant Protection Act 2006

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The characteristics of the Regulation

Type of regulation:
Import Permit - required
Description of the regulation:


Official text describing the regulation:
Partner countries to which it applies:

All countries

Authority who issued the regulation:
National Plant Protection Office (NPPO)
Agricultural Services, Réduit.
(230) 465 4902

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How is the regulation enforced?

Authority enforcing the control:
Ministry of Health and Wellness
Food Import Unit
Atchia Building, 1st Floor, Mgr. Gonin St., Port-Louis
(230) 210-1345
Mr. H. Beeharry

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The process in order to get compliance

Process for complying:

Application and issue of an import permit is carried out electronically under the TradeNet Phase 5 System.
*Pre-Market Approval and Health Certificate are required (See 'PMA_PCCI_ediblefruit.pdf' file attached).

(1) Nut - (a) shall be the clean and sound edible seed, kernel or other similar parts of a plant; and (b) shall not include food classified as cereal, vegetable, fruit or spice.
(2) Nut product includes -
(a) desiccated coconut;
(b) peanut butter;
(c) ground almond; and
(d) marzipan."

Authorisation:   No person shall import, manufacture, process, store, pack, offer for sale or sell any tomato product which does not comply with the standards specified in regulations 230 to 234.
Prohibition :  No person shall import, manufacture, process, store, pack, offer for sale or sell any nut or nut product which does not comply with the standards specified in regulations 248 to 252.

 Desiccated coconut -
(a) shall be the dried and shredded kernel of the fruit of the plant Cocos nucifera ;
(b) shall contain not less than 50% of coconut oil; and
(c) shall contain not more than 3% of moisture.

Peanut butter -
(a) shall be the product prepared by grinding clean and sound peanuts that have been decorticated;
(b) shall contain not less than -
(i) 85% of peanut; and
(ii) 20% of protein;
(c) shall contain not more than -
(i) 55% edible fat or edible oil;
(ii) 3% water;
(iii) 2% salt; (iv) 5% hydrogenated vegetable oil; and
(v) the maximum quantity of mycological contaminant as specified in the Ninth Schedule.
(d) may contain -
(i) sugar or glucose or both; and
(ii) permitted antioxidant as provided in the Twenty-Eighth Schedule.

Ground almond
Ground almond shall be the product obtained by grinding the seed kernels of the almond after cleaning, blanching, and removal of skins but without the removal of oil.

Marzipan or almond paste shall be a preparation of ground almond which - (a) shall contain - (i) sugar and glucose;
(ii) water;
iii) one of the following acids - (A) acetic acid; (B) tartaric acid; or (C) lactic acid;
(b) may contain -
(i) egg; or
(ii) flavouring substance which shall be wholly derived from almond."

File of the process for complying:
Cost estimate to get compliance:

   Plant Import Permit: Rs. 50.00
   Processing fee: Rs 500 per consignment.
   Phyto-sanitary clearance fee: Rs. 100 per consignment.

Once I have it, what do I have to do:

Clearance of Imported Consignment at Port of Entry:

     1. Applicant calls at NPPO (National Plant Protection Office) to request for an appointment with NPPO Officer.
     2. NPPO Officer verifies document(s) and Inspect product.
     3. Clearance obtained: Certificate of Inspection forwarded to Mauritius Revenue Authority to authorize delivery

For non compliant consignments clearance is subject to time taken by importer to produce required documents to the NPPO.

Validity of the compliance:
4 months
Required Documents to process:

1. Import Permit
2. Commercial Invoice
3. Bill of Lading

NOTE: Phytosanitary Certificate is delivered from competent authority in county of origin.

- Certificate of Inspection is issued after inspection if documents are found to be in compliance and phytosanitary status of consignment is accepted.

Authority delivering compliance:
National Plant Protection Office (NPPO)
Agricultural Services, Réduit.
(230) 465 4902

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