Operating a Business

flag Slovenia Slovenia: Operating a Business

In this page: Setting Up a Company | The Active Population in Figures | Working Conditions | Cost of Labour | Social Partners


Setting Up a Company

Limited Liability Company (d.o.o)
Number of partners: One or more partners.
Capital (max/min): Minimum EUR 7,500
Shareholders and liability: Liability is limited to the amount of capital contributed.
Joint-stock company (d.d.)
Number of partners: One or more partners.
Capital (max/min): Minimum EUR 25,000
Shareholders and liability: Liability is limited to the amount of capital contributed.
General Partnership (d.n.o.)
Number of partners: Minimum 2 shareholders
Capital (max/min): No minimum capital required
Shareholders and liability: Shareholders are liable with all their assets.
Limited Partnership (k.d.)
Number of partners: Minimum 2 shareholders
Capital (max/min): No minimum capital required
Shareholders and liability: General partners are fully liable with all the assets and limited partners are not liable for the partnership obligation.
Sole trader (s.p.)
Number of partners: One individual (physical person only, no companies)
Capital (max/min): No minimum capital required
Shareholders and liability: The individual is liable with all the assets for the activities of a sole trader.
The Competent Organisation
A newly established company is entered into the court register and tax register. The data are then automatically transferred also to business register and statistic office. Actually, in 2008 the court register has practically become a business register which is fully maintained by the agency called AJPES.

Company registration can be done most appropriately and completely at one of the notary offices. A simple, free of charge procedure is available even on the internet (in Slovene only) or at many "e-VEM" one-stop service centers but only when using a pre-print standardized Company Statute/Act form.

Setting Up a Company Slovenia Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Procedures (number) 3.0 5.3
Time (days) 8.0 11.8

Source: Doing Business.

Business Setup Procedures
Consult the Doing Business Website, to know about procedures to start a Business in Slovenia.
Trade Register

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The Active Population in Figures

Labour Force 1,037,5001,028,1171,022,650

Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database

Total activity rate 74.24%75.14%75.13%
Men activity rate 76.98%78.26%77.92%
Women activity rate 71.32%71.83%72.17%

Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database


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Working Conditions

Legal Weekly Duration
40 hours
Retirement Age
56 for women (if 36 years and 9 months of work) and 58 for men (if 40 years of work).
Working Contracts
Employment contracts are regulated by law, branch collective agreements and individual negotiations.
The terms of employment contracts, the conditions for hiring and the limits for dismissal are traditionally rigid but are getting loosening with the modernization of employment legislation and practice. In the last years the share of temporary employment contracts has increased, especially among younger work force.
Labour Laws
Consult Doing Business Website, to obtain a summary of the labor regulations that apply to local entreprises.

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Cost of Labour

Minimum Wage
In 2021, the minimum wage is EUR 1,024.24 per month according to Eurostat data.
Average Wage
In 2021, the monthly gross average wage is EUR 1,977.20 according to the Republic of Slovenia Statistical Office.
Social Contributions
Social Security Contributions Paid By Employers: 16.10%.
Social Security Contributions Paid By Employees: 22.10%.

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Social Partners

Social Dialogue and Involvement of Social Partners
By far the most powerful union confederation is ZSSS. In general, trade unions have a very important role since all the governments try more or less to make any important changes in wages, labor legislation, economy, tax and social policy in cooperation with trade unions as well as with the employers' associations.

Government, employers and employees representatives are formally gathered within the Economic and Social Council (ESC). In addition to its advisory role, the ESC has a key role in negotiations, with the social and wage policy agreements under its auspices.

Labour Unions
Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia (ZSSS) - the largest national trade union associating more than 20 trade unions from different branches from all over Slovenia (in local language only)
Confederation of New Trade Unions of Slovenia (local acronym is KNSS) (in local language only)
Unionisation Rate
Around 45%.
Labour Regulation Bodies
Ministry of Labor, Family, and Social Affairs

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