Operating a Business

flag Panama Panama: Operating a Business

In this page: Setting Up a Company | The Active Population in Figures | Working Conditions | Cost of Labour | Social Partners


Setting Up a Company

Sociedad de responsabilidad limitada or S de RL (Limited Liability Company)
Number of partners: At least 2 shareholders
Capital (max/min): No minimum capital required
Shareholders and liability: Limited to the amount of capital contributions
Sociedad anonima or SA (Corporation)
Number of partners: At least 3 executives and 1 shareholder. No limit in the number of partners
Capital (max/min): No minimum capital required
Shareholders and liability: Only limited to unpaid subscribed capital
Sociedad en Comandita Simple
Number of partners: At least two, one general partner and one silent parnet
Capital (max/min): No minimum capital required
Shareholders and liability: Unlimited for general partners, limited for silent partners
Setting Up a Company Panama Latin America & Caribbean
Procedures (number) 5.0 8.0
Time (days) 6.0 25.2

Source: Doing Business.

Business Setup Procedures
Consult Doing Business Website, to know about procedures to start a Business in Panama.
Trade Register

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The Active Population in Figures

Labour Force 2,029,8902,092,5461,985,726

Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database

Total activity rate 69.54%71.37%72.16%
Men activity rate 83.38%84.23%84.21%
Women activity rate 55.61%58.44%60.04%

Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database


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Working Conditions

Legal Weekly Duration
Panamanian labor law allows 4 work shifts per day.

1) Day work of 8 hours maximum per day and 48 hours per week which should take place between 6 AM and 6 PM. 2) Night work of 7 hours maximum per day and 42 hours per week which should take place between 6 PM and 6 AM. 3) Mixed work (night and day) of 7.30 hours maximum per day and 45 hours per week which should take place during the two cycles of work.  More than 3 nights per week the other periods are automatically considered as night. 4) Rotating cycle when the company needs staff during the different shifts.

Retirement Age
57 years for women and 62 years for men.
Working Contracts
The employment contracts are regulated by legal clauses and to a lesser degree by collective agreements and individual negotiations.
The terms of employment contracts, the conditions of hiring and dismissal are strict.
Labour Laws
Consult Doing Business Website, to obtain a summary of the labor regulations that apply to local entreprises.

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Cost of Labour

Minimum Wage
The minimum wage levels can vary significantly depending on the sector and region in which the employee works.
In 2021, the minimum monthly wage for domestic work is set at BAP 300 or BAP 275 depending on the region (Ministry of Labour and Labour Development of Panama).
Average Wage
According to the ILO, the average salary was PAB 1,422 per month in 2018 (latest available data).
Social Contributions
Social Security Contributions Paid By Employers: 12.25%. of the monthly gross wage (and 10,75 % of the 13th month)
Social Security Contributions Paid By Employees: 9.75%.of the monthly gross wage (and 7.25% of the 13th month)

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Social Partners

Social Dialogue and Involvement of Social Partners
Private sector workers have a right to form and to join unions of their choice.  Public sector employees do not have a right to form unions.  Government workers can form "associations" and negotiate collectively but only if they have a minimum of 50 members.
Labour Unions
Panama Industrial Union (SIP) (Spanish only)
Unique National Union of the Building and related Industries (SUNTRACS) (Spanish only)
Unionisation Rate
Labour Regulation Bodies
Federation of Private Enterprises

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