
flag Croatia Croatia: Introduction

Capital: Zagreb


Total Population: 3,854,000
Natural Increase: -0.6%
Density: 69 Inhabitants/km²
Urban Population: 58.2%
Population of main cities: Zagreb (688,200); Split (167,200); Rijeka (128,400); Osijek (84,100); Zadar (71,500); Pula (57,500); Sesvete (54,100); Slavonski Brod (53,600)
Ethnic Origins: The population is comprised of about 90% of people of Croatian origin, with about 5% of Serbian origin and about 5% of other origins (including Bosnian, Hungarian, Slovene, Czech and Roma). (Croatian Bureau of Statistics)
Official Language: Croatian.
Other Languages Spoken: The country has national minorities; Serb, Slovenian are spoken, as well as Italian, especially along the sea side, also German and Hungarian. Otherwise, especially in bigger cities and in tourist resorts along the coast a lot of people do understand at least the basics of English, Italian and German.
Business Language(s): English (particularly used in the region of the capital Zagreb), along the coast also Italian and German may be used.
Religion: Catholics 87.83%, Orthodox 4.4%, Muslims 1.3%, Protestants 0.3%, Others 6.17%.
Literacy Rate: 98.1%

Local Time:

It is %T:%M %A In Zagreb

Exchange Rate on :

National Currency: Croatian Kuna (HRK)

Country Overview

Area: 88,070 km²
Type of State: Republic based on parliamentary democracy.
Type of Economy: Upper-middle-income economy, Ex-Transition country..
Importance of the tourism sector in making a success of its economic development.
HDI*: 0.818/1
HDI (World Rank): 47/188

Note: (*) The HDI, Human Development Index, is an Indicator Which Synthesizes Several Data Such as Life Expectancy, Level of Education, Professional Careers, Access to Culture etc.


Telephone Code:
To call from Croatia, dial 00
To call Croatia, dial +385
Internet Suffix: .hr
Computers: 19.1 per 100 Inhabitants
Telephone Lines: 37.4 per 100 Inhabitants
Internet Users: 63.0 per 100 Inhabitants
Access to Electricity: 100% of the Population

Foreign Trade in Figures

Foreign Trade Indicators 20192020202120222023
Imports of Goods (million USD) 28,16026,83034,52744,62343,181
Exports of Goods (million USD) 17,18017,19321,87825,46724,894
Imports of Services (million USD) 5,6914,1405,3016,0507,265
Exports of Services (million USD) 17,17710,28516,88520,34124,292

Source: WTO – World Trade Organisation, Latest data available.


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