Operating a Business

flag Armenia Armenia: Operating a Business

In this page: Setting Up a Company | The Active Population in Figures | Working Conditions | Cost of Labour | Social Partners


Setting Up a Company

Joint-Stock Company
Number of partners: Minimum 3 shareholders.The number of shareholders is not limited when it is an open joint-stock company while in case of a closed joint-stock company the total number of shareholders should not be more than 49.
Capital (max/min): No mandatory minimum capital requirement.
Shareholders and liability: The participants in a joint-stock company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses connected with the activity within the limits of the value of the shares of stock belonging to them.
Limited Liability Company
Number of partners: Minimum one, maximum 49.
Capital (max/min): No mandatory minimum capital requirement.
Shareholders and liability: The liability of its owners is limited to the initial investment.
General partnership
Number of partners: 2 or more partners.
Capital (max/min): 50,000 AMD.
Shareholders and liability: The partners jointly bear liability with all their property for the obligations of the partnership.
Limited partnership
Number of partners: 2 or more partners.
Capital (max/min): There is no minimum share capital required but share value is fixed by the Civil Code.
Shareholders and liability: Unlimited incase of full partnership, and limited (restricted to the amount of the partner's contribution in the partnership) in case of limited partnership.
The Competent Organisation
The State Register Agency of Legal entities of Armenia.
Setting Up a Company Armenia Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Procedures (number) 3.0 5.3
Time (days) 4.0 11.8

Source: Doing Business.

Business Setup Procedures
Consult Doing Business Website, to know about procedures to start a Business in Armenia.
Spyur, Company Register.

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The Active Population in Figures

Labour Force 1,245,6111,240,4291,175,542

Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database

Total activity rate 64.07%61.60%61.55%
Men activity rate 74.25%73.88%73.74%
Women activity rate 55.25%50.95%50.96%

Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database


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Working Conditions

Legal Weekly Duration
Normal: 40 hours, 8 hours per day.
The maximum duration, including overtime work carried out at the request of the employer, should never exceed 48 hours per week and 12 hours per day.
Retirement Age
Men: 65 years
Women: 63 years.
Working Contracts
The 'employment contract' is defined by the Labour Code of the Republic of Armenia which was adopted in 2004. According to this law, it is obligatory to have a written 'employment contact' between an employee and an employer. The contract should not contain any condition less favorable to workers than those stipulated by labor law. 
The contract could be terminated by mutual agreement of both parties, provided that a seven-day written notice is generally respected.
Labour Laws
Consult Doing Business Website, to obtain a summary of the labor regulations that apply to local entreprises.

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Cost of Labour

Minimum Wage
In 2020, the net minimum wage was AMD 68,000 per month according to the data from the IMF Armenia Office.
Average Wage
In 2021, the average monthly nominal wage is AMD 192,459 according to the Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia.
Social Contributions
Social Security Contributions Paid By Employers: None
Social Security Contributions Paid By Employees: For the year 2021: if the monthly gross salary is less than AMD 500,000, the employee's contribution is 3.5% of the amount, and if the monthly gross salary is greater than AMD 500,000, the employee's contribution is 10% of the amount minus AMD 32,500.

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Social Partners

Social Dialogue and Involvement of Social Partners
Armenia is a member of the ILO (International Labor Organization). It has also ratified the convention on 'Freedom of Association' in 2006 as well as the convention on 'Right to Organize' (in 2003).
The primary trade union centre in Armenia is the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia (CTUA), which is the reconstituted remains of the former Soviet trade union structure. Article 22 of the Labor Code states that representation in collective labor relations is deemed effective if the representatives are mandated by the majority of workers.
Labour Unions

Unionisation Rate
The Confederation of Trade Unions in Armenia estimated that 290 thousand people were affiliated to labor unions in the country.
Labour Regulation Bodies
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Republic of Armenia
National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia

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