IMPORT of (Preparation of meat, fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates)
All countries
Application made on prescribed form.
Application processed and submitted to Import Permit Committee after taking into consideration disease situation in exporting country.
A written application in form of the Forth Schedule of the Food Regulations accompanied with a sample of the foodstuff to be imported or manufactured in its original package. On application, the applicant will be immediately provided with a checklist for chemical and bacteriological analysis required. The permit is issued immediately after ensuring that the standards mentioned in the certificate required at the time of application complies with the Food Act and its regulations. (within 24 hrs).
Pre-Market Approval is required (See file attached: PMA_prep_meat.pdf).
Fees Payable: Rs 50 per ton
Import Fee: Rs 100
Clearance of Imported Consignment at Port of Entry.
Certificate of Inspection forwarded to Mauritius Revenue Authority to authorize delivery from customs/bonds.
Need Health clearance from Ministry of Health.
Proforma Invoice / Invoice 2. Import License 3. Phytosanitary Certificate from Exporting Country.