Import of Fresh Whole Garlic and Garlic Seeds
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Fresh whole garlic is a Controlled Product by law and is solely imported by AMB into Mauritius. (Mauritius Agricultural Marketing Act 1963, Regulation 2013)
For Garlic Seeds:
1. Applicant registers with AMB for the import of garlic seed by specifying quantity, origin and variety.
2. Once approval is received, the applicant pays the cess fees as per fee structure below before applying for Plant Import Permit.
3. Applicant submits a Plant Import Permit (PIP) online for clearance.
4. Processing and immediate no objection clearance on the PIP by AMB (free of charge).
5. Applicant submits the cleared PIP to NPPO.
6. NPPO processes and issues Plant Import Permit.
7. On arrival of consignment, applicant applies for clearance online.
For garlic seeds:
Plant Import Permit fee: Rs.100.00
Strategic Buffer Stock Fee- Rs 0.55/kg with a minimum fee of Rs 550/-
For Garlic Seeds:
1. Applicant uses the AMB Clearance Request ID from the Clearance application for Custom Clearance.
2. Applicant notifies NPPO regarding the arrival of consignment for inspection.
3. NPPO verifies documents submitted by applicant and undertakes physical inspection of consignment and issues necessary clearances.
Required Documents to process garlic seeds:
1. Commercial Invoice
2. Bill of Lading
3. Phyto-sanitary certificate and certificate of origin from exporting country