
Mauritius Agricultural Marketing (Controlled Products) Regulations 2013

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The characteristics of the Regulation

Type of regulation:
Import Permit - required
Description of the regulation:

Import Permit ( Onion Seeds and Dry Whole Onions)

Official text describing the regulation:
Partner countries to which it applies:

All countries

Authority who issued the regulation:
National Plant Protection Office (NPPO)
Agricultural Services, Réduit.
(230) 465 4902
Principal Scientific Officer

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How is the regulation enforced?

Where/when is the control enforced:
AMB, Head Office, Moka. Before any importation, request should be submitted to AMB in writing for approval or otherwise based on pre-established T & Cs.
Authority enforcing the control:
Agricultural Marketing Board (AMB)
Dr. George Leclezio Avenue, Moka
(230) 433-4025
Trade and Marketing Officer ;

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The process in order to get compliance

Process for complying:

For Dry Whole Onions:
1. Applicant submits a request to Import to the AMB specifying product, quantity, use and origin.
2.Once the approval is received, the applicant submits a Plant Import Permit (PIP) online for clearance.
3. Processing and immediate no objection clearance on the PIP by AMB (free of charge).
4. Applicant submits the cleared PIP to NPPO.
5. NPPO processes and issues Plant Import Permit.
6. On arrival of consignment, applicant applies for clearance online and pay for clearance fees to AMB as per fee structure below.


For Onion Seeds:
1. Applicant registers with AMB for the import of onion seed by specifying quantity, origin and variety.
2. Once approval is received, the applicant pays the cess fees as per fee structure below before applying for Plant Import Permit.
3. Applicant submits a Plant Import Permit (PIP) online for clearance.
4. Processing and immediate no objection clearance on the PIP by AMB (free of charge).
5. Applicant submits the cleared PIP to NPPO.
6. NPPO processes and issues Plant Import Permit.
7. On arrival of consignment, applicant applies for clearance online.

Process is online ?:
Yes for applications of Plant Import Permits and Clearances on Mauritius Tradelink Portal.
Link to the process for complying:
File of the process for complying:
Average time to get compliance:
< than 15 days
Cost estimate to get compliance:

For dry whole onion:
Plant Import Permit fee: Rs.100.00
Fees structure at AMB: Import of dry whole onions - Rs.2.20/Kg with minimum fee of Rs 550/-


For onion seeds:
Plant Import Permit fee: Rs.100.00
Strategic Buffer Stock Fee- Rs 0.55/kg with a minimum fee of Rs 550/-

Once I have it, what do I have to do:

For Dry Whole Onions
1. Applicant uses the AMB Clearance Request ID from the Clearance application for Custom Clearance.
2. Applicant notifies NPPO and Ministry of Health and Quality of Life regarding the arrival of consignment for inspection.
3. NPPO and Ministry Of Health verifies documents submitted by applicant and undertakes physical inspection of consignment and issues necessary clearances.

For Onion Seeds:

1.Applicant uses the AMB Clearance Request ID from the Clearance application for Custom Clearance.
2. Applicant notifies NPPO regarding the arrival of consignment for inspection.
3. NPPO verifies documents submitted by applicant and undertakes physical inspection of consignment and issues necessary clearances.


Validity of the compliance:
PIP - 4 months as per T & C set by NPPO
Required Documents to process:

Required Documents to process:
1. Commercial Invoice
2. Bill of Lading
3. Phyto-sanitary, fumigation, health certificates and certificate of origin from exporting country

Note: Fumigation and Health Certificates not required for onion seeds

Authority delivering compliance:
Ministry of Health and Wellness
Food Import Unit
Atchia Building, 1st Floor, Mgr. Gonin St., Port-Louis
(230) 210-1345
Food Import Unit

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