
National Agricultural Products Regulations 2013

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The characteristics of the Regulation

Type of regulation:
Import Permit - required
Description of the regulation:

IMPORT PERMIT (Tobacco Products - i.e. Cigarettes, Cigars, ...)

Official text describing the regulation:
Partner countries to which it applies:

All countries

Authority who issued the regulation:
NAPRO (National Agricultural Products Regulatory Office)
Réduit, Moka

Tel : (230) 467-8046/ 8057
Mr H. Ramahotar

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How is the regulation enforced?

Authority enforcing the control:
NAPRO (National Agricultural Products Regulatory Office)
Réduit, Moka

Tel : (230) 467-8046/ 8057
officer in Charge

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The process in order to get compliance

Process for complying:

1. Fill out prescribed form attached.

2. When application is approved, Licence is issued.

3.Tobacco officer inspects consignment, files report and head of department authorizes delivery.

Cost estimate to get compliance:

Processing fee for commercial: Rs.1000 per application

Processing fee for own consumption: Rs.500 per application

Fees for Cigarettes
- Whether containing tobacco or not - Rs 20 per thousand sticks or part thereof
- For own consumption and not exceeding 2000 sticks - Rs 110

Smoking Tobacco - Rs.20 per Kg or part thereof
Cigars - Rs.20 per kg
Other Products - Rs.110 per kg

For cut cigarettes rag: Rs.1.00 per kilo


Once I have it, what do I have to do:

 Clearance of Imported Consignment at Port of Entry

    1. Applicant notify Tobacco Board of arrival and request for authorisation to tranfer to bonded warehouse or for inspection in port area.

    2. Tobacco Board officer inspect consignment and report to management for clearance.

    3. Clearance obtained: Autorisation stamped on licence from Tobacco board and handed over to applicant for delivery by Mauritius Revenue Authority  from customs or bonds.


Required Documents to process:

Required for Clearance of Goods

Proforma Invoice / Invoice 2. Import License

Authority delivering compliance:
NAPRO (National Agricultural Products Regulatory Office)
Réduit, Moka

Tel : (230) 467-8046/ 8057

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