
The Dangerous Chemicals Control Act 2004

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The characteristics of the Regulation

Type of regulation:
Import Permit - required
Description of the regulation:

Second Schedule of the Dangerous Chemical Control Act 2004 (Part II) - Agricultural Chemicals

Official text describing the regulation:
Partner countries to which it applies:

All Countries

Authority who issued the regulation:
Ministry of Health and Wellness- DCCB
Dangerous Chemical Control Board
Atchia Building, 3rd Floor, Mgr Gonin St., Port-Louis
(230) 210-3701

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How is the regulation enforced?

Authority enforcing the control:
Ministry of Health and Wellness- DCCB
Dangerous Chemical Control Board
Atchia Building, 3rd Floor, Mgr Gonin St., Port-Louis
(230) 210-3701

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The process in order to get compliance

Process for complying:

(1) No person shall - (a) import or export; (b) manufacture, sell, store, distribute or trade in, a dangerous chemical, unless he holds a license issued for such purposes.
(2) Every application for a license shall be made to the Board in such form as the Board may approve. Must meet the Technical Committee.
(3) The Board may require the applicant to furnish such additional information as may be required to determine the application. Br>(4) The Board may grant or renew a license subject to such terms and conditions as it thinks fit and on payment of the prescribed fee.

No person shall import or export a pesticide or an extremely dangerous chemical, unless he is the holder of a permit under this section. (2) Every application for a permit shall be made to the Board in such form as may be approved by the Board. (3) The Board may require the applicant to furnish such additional information as may be required to determine the application. (4) The Board may grant or renew a permit subject to such terms and conditions as it thinks fit and on payment of the prescribed fee. (5) Where an application under subsection (2) for a permit is pending before the Board and the pesticide or extremely dangerous chemical - (a) is given a new trade name; (b) is to be imported from a different supplier; or (c) there is any change in the specification or composition of the original product, the applicant shall make a new application under subsection (2)

Process is online ?:
Only for import permit
Link to the process for complying:
Average time to get compliance:
For imp permit 2 days and As determined by the Board for new licence
Cost estimate to get compliance:

1. Issue of a license or renewal of a license for the import or export of a dangerous chemical( Rs. 8,000) 2. Issue of a license or renewal of a license for the manufacture, sale, storage, distribution or trading in of a dangerous chemical (Rs. 2,000). 3.A one time payment of Rs 1000 is required for chemicals listed in the second schedule.

Once I have it, what do I have to do:

Contact Dangerous Chemicals Control Secretariat

Validity of the compliance:
import permit each consignment Calendar year for licence
Required Documents to process:

Provide Safety Data Sheet (SDC) and 2 copies of invoices and copy of import permit

Authority delivering compliance:
Ministry of Health and Wellness- DCCB
Dangerous Chemical Control Board
Atchia Building, 3rd Floor, Mgr Gonin St., Port-Louis
(230) 210-3701

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