Import Permit for Pet Animals
All countries
Request is made on a prescribed form available at Division of Veterinary Services; Applicant to submit form at Division of Veterinary Services (Reduit) - Application should be made at least 3 months prior to expected date of export to Mauritius to allow time for completion in the country of origin of all tests, treatments and inspections as per specified in import permit.
Cats & Dogs - Rs. 500
Other live animals - Rs. 200
Veterinary Clearance - Rs. 500
Clearance for Imported Live Animals at Port of Entry:
1. Veterinary Officer verifies documents (Import Permit & Export Health Certificate) and Inspect Animals
Live Animals a) Veterinary Officer issues a provisional/final landing certificate based on preliminary examination of documents. If Comply Fully with Import Conditions including Export Veterinary Certificate prepared by Veterinary Administration (country of origin): Clearance obtained
b) Veterinary Officer fills in Certificate of Entry ( in the case of live animals)
c) In case of Non-compliance with import conditions : Consignment is re-exported by same/immediate means or kept in quarantine until next available transport d) After Landing allowed: Animals kept in post quarantine where their health is monitored (30-90 days) then Final Release.
Export Health Certificate issued by Official Veterinary Services of the exporting country. The export health certificate must be signed and stamped by Official Veterinary Services of exporting country. - Owner's declaration stating that the animals have been continuously in the exporting country since birth/ for the past six months. - Animals must be transported in a crate/container/cage in accordance with I.A.T.A requirements and transportation must be direct to Mauritius.
In case transit en route is required, prior approval from Division of Veterinary Services must be obtained. - Exporters/Importers are reminded that they must comply with existing welfare laws of the exporting country. - To avoid the misinterpretation of health requirements, specific details of export certification, such as test requirements etc.
Specimen copies will be sent to the applicant on request. In the case of a female pet, an owner's declaration will be required confirming that the said animal is to the best of his knowledge and belief not pregnant on the schedule date of export.
It is an offense Under the Animal Disease Act to land an animal in Mauritius without an Import Permit. Where exported animals are not accompanied by the correct certificates, they may be detained/re-exported at owner's expense or euthanised.