Import for Plant Products (LIVE TREE & OTHER PLANTS; bulbs, roots and the like; cut flower and ornamental foliage, fruits, vegetables wood and wooden articles, peat etc)
All countries
Fill out prescribed form attached and submit it to NPPO (Reduit) - Processing of application based on Import Risk Analysis by NPPO.
Plant Import Permit is required.
(PIP) - To minimise risks of introduction of pests and diseases through imported commodities which are potential pathways for their introduction and spread.
Phytosanitary Certificate (PC) and Certificate of Inspection are also required. (See below document "PC_CI-Plants.pdf" ).
Applications are processed according to Risk categories:
-Low Risk/Medium Risk: Require compliance with established Phytosanitary Import requirements.
- High Risk: Additional information and data required from the exporting country for Import Risk Analysis. Application may be submitted to the Biosecurity Technical Advisory committee for clearance/ approval and be subject to an agreed Import protocol between the NPPO’s of the Exporting country and that of Mauritius.
If Application is approved: Issue of Plant Import Permit.
Not Approved: Reject Application & Applicant Informed.
Fees for Plant Import Permit, payable online at time of application is Rs 100
Post entry Quarantine (Per Pot):
< 5 cm: Rs 5;R > 5 cm < 10 cm Rs 10;
> 10 cm < 15 cm s 20;
> 15 cm <25 cm Rs 25;
25 cm and above Rs 50
Quarantine treatment fee: Rs 500 per container.
Phyto-sanitary clearance fee: Rs. 100 per consignment.
Phytosanitary Clearance for Imported Plants and Plant Products at Port of Entry
Applicant calls at NPPO office to request for an appointment with NPPO Officer - NPPO Officer verifies document for compliance with Import requirements, inspects consignment and issues a Certificate of Inspection.
Clearance is obtained if consignment complies fully with phytosanitary import requirements and Certificate of Inspection is issued for customs clearance by Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) .
For non/ partial compliance with our Phytosanitary Import requirements, consignment shall be detained and be subjected to quarantine treatments:
a) Heat Treatment ( Rs 350 /- m3)
b) Pesticide Treatment (Rs 10 non-commercial ; Rs 75 commercial)
c) Post Entry Quarantine in Green House or growers premises (3 months to 18 months depending on crop)
d) Fumigation treatment with Sulphuryl fluoride (Rs. 700/ m3 )
Or (e) Reshipment/ destruction at Importer’s cost.
- Documents Required to be produced for Clearance; - Plant Import Permit; - Phyto-sanitary Certificate; - Air Way Bill; - Packing List