Import Permit Application on Controlled Goods (SALTED FISH)
All countries
*Pre-Market Approval required. See attached file.
The submission of an application for an import permit is carried out electronically under the TradeNet Phase 5 System. The individual or company wishing to to submit their own applications electronically have to register themselves with the Mauritius Network Services Ltd (MNS).
The application for an import permit submitted electronically must be followed by the following documents:- 1. A photocopy of the appropriate Trading License of the applicant if controlled goods are imported for the first time for resale. 2. Application stamped by the Ministry of Health.
The granting of an import permit by the Permanent Secretary of the Authority enforcing the control is subject to the payment by the importer to the Accountant General of a fee of Rs 6,000 as is the case for any controlled good. Where an importer fails to furnish the Inspection Certificate as required under the Fifth Schedule, the Permanent Secretary shall grant an approval to the importer subject to:- 1. Submission of a certification of inspection carried out by the local branch of Bureau Veritas or Societe Generale de Surveillance or any other local inspection body acceptable by the Permanent Secretary.
Clearance of Imported Consignment at Port of Entry. Certificate of Inspection forwarded to Mauritius Revenue Authority to authorize delivery from customs/bonds. Required for Clearance of Goods 1. Proforma Invoice / Invoice 2. Import License 3. Certificate of Phytosanitary from Exporting Country
Documents Required - First time Importers - Proforma Invoice - Certificate of Incorporation - Registration Certificate for the brand imported by you issued by the Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Unit of the Customs Department - Trade Licence in the name of the applicant issued by the local government - Documents Required Established Importers - Proforma Invoice