
MSB Import of Toys

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The characteristics of the Regulation

Type of regulation:
Certificate of Comformity - required
Description of the regulation:

MSB Import of Toys Certificate

Partner countries to which it applies:

All countries

Authority who issued the regulation:
MSB (Mauritius Standards Bureau)
Villa Road, Moka
(230) 433-3648

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How is the regulation enforced?

Authority enforcing the control:
MSB (Mauritius Standards Bureau)
Villa Road, Moka
(230) 433-3648

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The process in order to get compliance

Process for complying:


1. A photocopy of the appropriate Trading License of the applicant if controlled goods are imported for the first time for resale.


Cost estimate to get compliance:


Required Documents to process:

Documents needed:
1. A Photocopy of the appropriate trading license of the applicant if contriolled goods are imported for resale.

Authority delivering compliance:
MSB (Mauritius Standards Bureau)
Villa Road, Moka
(230) 433-3648

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