The importation of dangerous chemicals in Mauritius is controlled by the Dangerous Chemicals Control Board (DCCB)
An importer of dangerous chemicals must be licensed by the DCCB. The application for a license to trade dangerous chemicals must be physically submitted to the DCCB. Please refer to the “Guidelines for Registration as Trader in Dangerous Chemicals’ for further information. A licensee is also required to register each ‘Extremely Dangerous Chemical’ or ‘Pesticide’ he/she intends to import. Please refer to the “Guidelines for the Registration of an Extremely Dangerous Chemical”. An Import permit will be granted only with respect to those substances which the licensed trader has registered with the DCCB.
An application for an import permit must in principle be made prior to the shipment of the consignment.
Licensed traders must create an account with the MNS Tradelink portal, through which they will be able to submit import permit applications, at a cost of Rs 100 charged by the Mauritius Network Services per application, payable online. No processing fee or permit issue fee is charged by the DCCB. Please refer to the detailed Guidelines for the online application process.
• An application for clearance of a consignment of any ‘Dangerous Chemical’ must be physically made to the DCCB for the release of the consignment from Customs. The application should be submitted with the following supporting documents:
(i) 2 Original copies of the invoice
(ii) Safety Data Sheet
(iii) Label
(iv) Certificate of analysis in the case of agricultural chemicals
(v) End-User certificate
An application for clearance of a consignment of an ‘Extremely Dangerous Chemical’ or a ‘Pesticide’ must additionally refer to a previously issued import permit with respect to that particular consignment.
• A clearance application should be sought from the DCCB by the importer upon arrival of the consignment.
• The DCCB may request a formal inspection of the consignment for verification purposes or for collection of samples for further testing, prior to release of the consignment by Customs.