
Ministry of Arts and Cultural Heritage (The Films Act 2002)

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The characteristics of the Regulation

Type of regulation:
Import Authorisation - required
Description of the regulation:

Import Permit
[Ministry of Arts and Cultural Heritage - The Films Act 2002]

Official text describing the regulation:
Partner countries to which it applies:

All countries

Authority who issued the regulation:
Ministry of Arts and Cultural Heritage (FCB)
1st Floor, Renganaden Seeneevassen Building,
Corner Pope Hennessy & Maillard Streets,
Port Louis

(230) 210-3117 / 0592
Film Classification Board

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How is the regulation enforced?

Where/when is the control enforced:
Point of Entry Seaport and Airport
Authority enforcing the control:
Ministry of Arts and Cultural Heritage (FCB)
1st Floor, Renganaden Seeneevassen Building,
Corner Pope Hennessy & Maillard Streets,
Port Louis

(230) 210-3117 / 0592
Film Classification Board

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The process in order to get compliance

Process for complying:

Registration as film importer is required.
(1) Importation of films: Subject to subsection (5) of section 8 and section (10) of the Films Act 2002, no person shall import a film unless he has obtained a permit to that effect.
(2) Any person who wishes to obtain a permit shall make a written application to the Minister in such form, and upon payment of such fee, as may be prescribed.
(3) On receipt of an application under subsection (2), the Minister may require the applicant to submit such additional information or document as he may require.
(4) After considering the application and such other information or document as the Minister may have obtained, he may –
(a) grant the permit subject to such terms and conditions as he may impose;
(b) refuse the permit if he is of the opinion that the exhibition of the film is not in the interest of defence, public safety, public order or public morality.
(5) An import permit shall not be required by a person importing a film for personal use.

Cost estimate to get compliance:

A registration fee of Rs 2000 is applicable for registration as film Importer as per the Third Schedule

Once I have it, what do I have to do:

Every film imported into Mauritius shall :-
a) be consigned to the Secretary;
b) be cleared from the Customs by the importer in presence of an officer of the Board;
c) immediately upon clearance from Customs, be delivered into the possession of the officer specified in paragraph (b); and
d) be placed and remain in the custody of the Secretary until it has been classified under section 11 and delivered to the importer.

Validity of the compliance:
A registration shall be valid for a period of 12 months as from date of registration
Required Documents to process:

Application should be accompanied by documents as form specified in the Second Schedule.

Authority delivering compliance:
Ministry of Arts and Cultural Heritage (FCB)
1st Floor, Renganaden Seeneevassen Building,
Corner Pope Hennessy & Maillard Streets,
Port Louis

(230) 210-3117 / 0592

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