
The Plant Protection Act 2006

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The characteristics of the Regulation

Type of regulation:
Import Licence - required
Description of the regulation:

IMPORT (Furniture; bedding, mattresses, mattress supports, cushions and similar stuffed furnishings; lamps and lighting fittings, not elsewhere specified or included; illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like; prefabricated buildings)

Partner countries to which it applies:

All countries

Authority who issued the regulation:
National Plant Protection Office (NPPO)
Agricultural Services, Réduit.
(230) 465 4902

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How is the regulation enforced?

Authority enforcing the control:
NPCS (National Parks and Conservation Service)

(230) 464-4053/ 4471

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The process in order to get compliance

Process for complying:

Fill out prescribed form attached and submit it to NPPO (Reduit) - Processing of application based on assessment of risk by NPPO.

        Plant Import Permit is required.
        (PIP) - To minimise risks of introduction of pests and diseases through imported commodities which are potential pathways for their introduction and spread.
        Risk Categorization is as follows:-
        -Low Risk/Medium Risk: Formulation of new Phyto-sanitary measures / Import Protocol
        - High Risk: This requires Pest Risk Analysis / Consultation with relevant experts in the Bio-security Technical Advisory Committee.

        If Application is approved: Issue of Plant Import Permit.
        Not Approved: Reject Application & Applicant Informed.

Cost estimate to get compliance:

       Fees Payable: Rs 50 (commercial permit); Rs 10 (non commercial permit)
       Plant Import Permit: Rs. 50.00
       Processing fee: Rs 500 per consignment.
       Phyto-sanitary clearance fee: Rs. 100 per consignment.

Once I have it, what do I have to do:

 Agricultural Clearance for Imported Plants and Plant Products at Port of Entry -
        Applicant calls at NPPO office to request for an appointment with NPPO Officer - NPPO Officer verifies document and issues a Certificate of Inspection after Inspection of product/consignment .
        After Clearance obtained if full compliance with Import conditions: Certificate of Inspection forwarded to (MRA) Mauritius Revenue Authority through importer / agent - If Import comply Partially with Import Inspection; Consignment is put in Quarantine for:-
        a) Heat Treatment ( Rs 350 /- m3)
        b) Pesticide Treatment (Rs 10 non-commercial ; Rs 75 commercial)
        c) Post Entry Quarantine in Green House or growers premises (3 months to 18 months depending on crop)


Validity of the compliance:
4 months
Required Documents to process:

Documents Required to be produced for Clearance; - Plant Import Permit; - Phyto-sanitary Certificate; - Air Way Bill; - Packing List.

Authority delivering compliance:
National Plant Protection Office (NPPO)
Agricultural Services, Réduit.
(230) 465 4902

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